vigor triggers

Vigor Triggers is this site’s name for REAL FOOD ingredients that trigger VIGOR in our bodies. By highlighting the attributes of 100 of my most used natural foods and spices, it is my hope that we stop misreading food as a calorie or carb count, but rather begin to see food as a source of energy and well being that our bodies need to thrive.

Please note: I am not a scientist or a health specialist. I am, however, extremely passionate about well-being. I encourage all of you to delve as deep as you like on your own. There is so much to learn! For bibliography, click here.

vigor triggers

Broccoli Rabe

Broccoli Rabe is only distantly related to broccoli
vigor triggers

Brown Rice

If it is not already, make brown rice one of your staple foods.
vigor triggers


Yes, butter is good for you
vigor triggers


Cabbage: increases "good" estrogen and protects against breast cancer as it contains a certain compound...
vigor triggers

Cacao (Dark Chocolate)

The chocolate most of us grew up on wasn’t really chocolate
vigor triggers


Carob was relished by the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans
vigor triggers


I keep a huge bag of organic carrots from Costco in my fridge
vigor triggers


Cauliflower: is a member of the cabbage family. has potent cancer fighting compounds (indoles). has...
vigor triggers


Celery is not just crispy water
vigor triggers


Chamomile is cozy in a cup and can even be used on your skin to...
vigor triggers


I grew up hating cheese, but I later learned that it wasn't cheese that I...
vigor triggers


Chives: See onions
vigor triggers

Cilantro (Coriander Leaves)

According to my high school bio teacher, Mr. Miller, liking or hating cilantro...
vigor triggers


Pair cinnamon with sweets. This spice is actually the bark of a tree and: increases...
vigor triggers


I used to smoke clove cigarettes and convinced myself they were healthy. Hah!