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Beware. These recipes are addictive. But don’t worry, it’s a healthy addiction. Enjoy and share.

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Thanksgivukkah Latkes with Butternut Chutney

How often do we get Thanksgiving and Hanukkah on the same night?
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The Batch of Broth That Keeps Giving and Giving

aka. The Batch of Broth that Keeps Giving. The base for a root...
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The Best Matzo Ball Soup

Put a little schmaltz in your balls.
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The EASIEST Turkey Ever.

Explained Step by Step.
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The faces and fruits of Mumbai’s Crawford Market: A Photo Essay

Gathering recipes in India took me inside one of this city’s most famous...
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The Green Monkey Smoothie

I call this smoothie The Green Monkey because it makes you go bananas!
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The Passover Recipe Bible

I have worked hard to make Passover food not just something to bear,...
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The Wickedly Good Green Power Smoothie

This recipe came about after years and years of making smoothies in the...
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This meal will get your child into Harvard 🎓

  Is it roasted fish packed with brain-boosting omegas? No. Is it lasagna fortified with...
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All in good thyme.
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Toasted Fennel Cauliflower Crisps

It is nice to have an appetizer that is vegetarian and doesn't have...
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A warning about tomatoes.
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Tuscan White Bean and Kale Soup

I have talked the ear off of enough Italian mammas in order to...
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All Tzatzkiki are not created equal.
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Un-Fried Coconut Black Beans

Black Bean Puree with Coconut Oil. Perfect to top Tlayudas!
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Vanilla Bean

Vanilla feels good. Though the purest extracts will contain many of the benefits,...
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Vegan Ceasar Salad with Sesame Hummus Dressing

a.k.a. The Vegan Seize-Her Salad. A favorite of my clean eating cooking students.