vigor triggers

Vigor Triggers is this site’s name for REAL FOOD ingredients that trigger VIGOR in our bodies. By highlighting the attributes of 100 of my most used natural foods and spices, it is my hope that we stop misreading food as a calorie or carb count, but rather begin to see food as a source of energy and well being that our bodies need to thrive.

Please note: I am not a scientist or a health specialist. I am, however, extremely passionate about well-being. I encourage all of you to delve as deep as you like on your own. There is so much to learn! For bibliography, click here.

vigor triggers


Coconut got a bad rap from the same "scientists" that promoted margarine.
vigor triggers


A good cup of black coffee and a cigarette
vigor triggers


Cucumbers need to be sliced thin or cut into small pieces
vigor triggers


If you have ever wandered through an Arab marketplace in sweltering heat and felt that,...
vigor triggers


Eggplant: the deep purple pigment contains a powerful antioxidant (nasunin) that protects your cells and...
vigor triggers


I remember hearing as a kid that eggs were good for your hair.
vigor triggers

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a true gift of the Greek and Roman...
vigor triggers

Fatty Fish (Salmon, Tuna, Black Cod, etc.)

The fact of the matter is we live on a polluted planet
vigor triggers

Fennel (The Bulb & The Seed)

Fennel is under-used in the States
vigor triggers

Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)

In Israel, and the rest of the Middle East presumably, hummus is served...
vigor triggers


My mother says she can smell garlic on me for days after I...
vigor triggers


In ayurvedic medicine GINGER is known as the universal remedy.
vigor triggers

Green Tea

Green Tea is to me now what coffee and cigarettes were to me...
vigor triggers

Herbes de Provence

Herbes de Provence: Please see the following: Fennel, Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender, Basil
vigor triggers


Adding a little natural hummus to salad dressings or eating as a snack...