Sea Bass Baked in Parchment Packest with Ponzu, Sake and Shitake Mushrooms



I got very lucky with this recipe.

It was the DAY OF my first Monday Night Fish cooking class and I needed a fourth recipe to complete the menu. The other sea bass recipes I had tried, from advice of friends and based on previous dishes I had eaten myself, all had not come out. I wasn’t using the parchment paper packet method, which seals in juices and flavor, and had several dry pieces of fish come out, which is not cool considering sea bass is not inexpensive.

I had been to the market numerous times over the last few days, and every time I was certain it would be the last time. To find myself THE DAY OF a cooking class without a recipe is stressful. I admit, it may have happened other times. (yikes, I can be a procrastinator….but I also work well under pressure.)

I don’t know how it happened that I added ponzu, and sake, and green onions and mushrooms, and decided to top it off with toasted sesame seeds, but it did happen. THE DAY OF my first fish cooking class. And the recipe has been a Meal and a Spiel Classic ever since.

This recipe is eeeeeasy. Anyone can have superb results if the fish is fresh. Just know that if you can’t cut your fish easily with a fork, it still needs a few more minutes of cooking.

MORE RECIPIES OF THIS TYPE: cali-style, dairy free, ethnic, fish, food blog, gluten-free, mains, recipes
