Want to indulge your cravings without an ounce of guilt?
(that are also kid-friendly!)
Want to look and feel great without having to worry about what you eat.
Want to know the 4 foods to stay away from to optimize your metabolism.
Want easy recipes that can be made in minutes.
Have food intolerances and feel constrained by the pre-packaged snacks.
3 salty and crunchy snacks
3 salty and “fatty” snacks - good omegas!
2 fruity and juicy snacks
2 sweet and creamy snacks
2 chocolatey snacks
1 sweet and carby snack
And the 4 Foods You Should Avoid To Optimize Your Metabolism So You Can Snack All You Want
Elana Horwich, founder of the Meal and a Spiel cooking school, is an expert in making healthy food taste delicious.
She created this video to share her most popular snacking recipes so you can indulge on your own terms without worry.
Leslie Aslanian Williams
Scholarship Director.
Mother of three.
Elana, you are AMAZING!! You are especially hysterical with all the munchies talk. These snacks all look so good! I’d never thought about cooking with these ingredients but you make it seem so doable!
xoxo Leslie