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6 Updated Recipes for Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah celebrates the Jewish New Year, and marks the beginning of a 10-day period of prayer, self-examination, and repentance. The days between Rosh Hashanah and the other High Holy Day of Yom Kippur are a time to begin introspection and look back at the past year in order to make positive changes for the future. Rosh Hashanah customs include sounding the shofar (a ram’s horn trumpet) and eating symbolic foods such as apples dipped in honey to usher in a sweet new year.
Baked Eggplant Parmesan Recipe
This easy baked eggplant Parmesan is perfect for late-summer eggplant that needs to be used.
6 Reinvented Passover Recipes
While traditional customs run deep during this Jewish holiday, that doesn’t mean your Passover recipes have to be old-fashioned. Elana Horwich, home cook and founder of Meal and a Spiel, shows us how you can reinvent the Passover meal with new and exciting recipes. Taking the lessons she learned from her Jewish grandmother, Horwich adds a modern-day touch to some of the most traditional Passover dishes, and she also adds in a few of her favorite recipes that she believes should become a part of your holiday feast.
Traditional Hamantashen Cookies Recipe
These cookies are dough filled with jam shaped in a triangle to mimic the 3-pointed hat of the monstrous Haman.