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Moscato Spice Charoset for Passover
Elana Horwich, home cook and founder of Meal and a Spiel, (pronounced ShPEEL) has channeled the best of her Grandmother’s recipes with a modern twist for your home Passover Sedar. Her Italian-inspired charoset recipe (prounouned cHa-roset) is the delicious chopped fruit, nut and wine mixture on the Passover seder table which symbolizes the mortar between the bricks that the Jews laid while slaves in Egypt 3,000 years ago. It cooks only long enough to meld the flavors together but still resulting in a crunchy charoset that won’t look like applesauce.
Perfect Passover Recipes: Matzo Ball Soup
Foodista has partnered with Chef Elana Horwich of Meal and a Spiel to share her favorite Passover recipes.  Matzo ball soup is a classic and a must-have at your Passover sedar.  These matzo balls are made with schmaltz (rendered chicken fat) giving them a boost of flavor.  You can purchase schmaltz at a Jewish market or wherever Kosher products are sold.
Perfect Passover Recipes: Brisket
For our third recipe in our Passover series with Meal and a Spiel, we tackle brisket.  In my opinion, it’s not Passover unless there is brisket on the table.  The meat is cooked low and slow until it becomes fork tender.  It is served with potatoes and it’s cooking juices – absolute perfection!
Perfect Passover Recipes: Rosemary Almond Cake
Rosemary almond cake from Elana Horwich is the perfect sweet finish to your Passover meal.  This Italian inspired cake is rich, moist and absolutely delicious.  It is boldly flavored with olive oil, orange zest and a heaping tablespoon of rosemary. This rosemary almond cake is a treat for the senses and your taste buds.