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I grew up hating cheese, but I later learned that it wasn’t cheese that I hated. It was those slices of orange oil that we Americans call cheese. REAL cheese is not orange…do cows have orange milk? Real cheese is made from an age old process that farmers used to preserve and utilize their cow’s milk and is good for us in many ways. I group cheeses together here, but let it be known that other than Parmigiano Reggiano, I prefer and use mainly sheep and goat milk cheeses as they are easier to digest and absolutely delicious. Cheese:
The Good…
- contain all four fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D.
- high in calcium.
- cheese from grass-fed cows (Parmigiano Reggianno and many French cheeses) contains high levels of CLA, a cancer-fighting, fat-reducing fat. (Is this why the French are so thin?)
- sheep and goat milk cheeses are easier on the digestive system, even for people with lactose intolerance.
- sheep and goat milk cheese are less likely to contain hormones and antibiotics.
- raw milk cheeses can be high in Omega-3s.
- includes Camembert which has natural probiotics, the same healthy immune-building bacteria found in yogurt.
The Bad…
- causes the production of mucus which creates overall stagnancy in the body.
- can aggravate all kinds of allergies.
- can cause breakouts in some people.
- can be high in cholesterol.
- is hard to digest for many people, particularly those who suffer from lactose intolerance.
- be careful with pizza and Mexican food; melted cheese can often cause more gas than unmelted.
Watch video: Meal and a Spiel on Parmigiano Reggiano
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the spiel for the recipe
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