Eating the Streets: Continental and Meal and a Spiel

Elana Horwich’s vibe as a home cook turned teacher is chill and relatable, which often wins folks over when they are thrown into the kitchen. Stoves, ovens, pots, pans and knives can be intimidating, so if you can make the space a comfortable place for everyone, cooking as a group is easy. We varied in terms of experience–from newbies to experienced–but everyone was there to have a good time, eat well and pick up new tips. I cook for work and also fun, but I picked up a few pointers. First of all, quinoa vodka. Very Cali, right? After sipping on Elana’s Spieler Citrus Cocktail all night, I researched Fair’s product made from Peruvian quinoa seeds, and the blend is award-winning and fair trade. If you’re going to drink, drink responsibly on all levels!